A 10k Variable Resistor Potentiometer is the most significant component found in many electrical devices for controlling the tone, bass as well as volume. This is due to the fact that resistors can be connect together with the other components to form filters for the desire level.
They can also be use in computer monitors for color or positioning as well as dimming or switching lamps. This is achieved through digital to analog and analog to digital circuits; one additional advantage is that the knob can be turned instead of typing a value every time you want to change the tint or brightness.
Types of variable Resistors
A variable resistor is a resistor in which the electric resistance value is adjustable. A variable resistor is an electro-mechanical transducer that generally works by sliding a contact (wiper) over a resistive element. A variable resistor is use because a potential divider with 3 terminals is call as a potentiometer.
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10k Variable Resistor Potentiometer Volume Type